Monthly Archives: December 2009

Observations on Poop

I baby sit from time to time and here are a couple of stories about poop involving the kids I babysit.

Story one:
One of the two-year-olds I baby sit had to take a poop. I was waiting in the bathroom with her as she was pooping (we were using a public restroom).

Once, she pooped she screamed, “I pooped.” She smiled looked at me and immedately said, “I’m stronger than you!”

Story two:
I baby sit a three-year-old girl from time to time. One week she was having problems pooping. Constipation. And, the police drove by the car with their lights and sirens on and she asked what do police do. I told her, “People call them when they need help.” She thought for a second and then said, “Maybe the people need help pooping.”

Story three:
I was babysitting the same girl from story one. And, she told me, out of nowhere, “It’s not okay to eat real poop. But, it’s okay to eat imaginary poop.”


Laser Crab Revue, Volume I

I know this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The (downloadable) digital edition, or as I prefer to call it, the print-it-yourself version of the first volume of our comics/art anthology. Produced primarily by students at the North Carolina School of the Arts, this was a first attempt at comic story-telling for the majority of us.

Hopefully, our experiments were more successful than not, but I make no guarantees.

I had been putting up slowly on this site, but I’ve become impatient with that format, and I also want to get to the 2nd volume which has been sitting on my computer, finished, for months, now. Look for that in a couple weeks, in a similar, PIY form.

It’s about a 15-20 minute read. Maybe a little more…


And, please, let us know what you think.

*Also, a pair of PDF documents are now available, in addition to the zipped JPEGS.

Laser Crab Revue, Volume I, Digital Edition (Zip, 40mb)

PDF (High Res, 43mb)

PDF (Low Res, 8 mb)

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